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Pfeil-rot-rechts Deutsche Fassung

SIMONA as a partner

  • Close collaboration on project detailing with the end customer/processing contractor

  • Technical support as early as the planning phase

  • Development of a planning proposal by SIMONA

  • Welding instruction and supervision on site


SIMOFUSE® pipes and fittings for partial renewal of a sewer

Sewer pipelines convey sewage requiring treatment to a sewage treatment plant for further processing. In a municipality in Germany, flooding events had led to the planning of a new pipeline that would discharge the increased flow reliably. In addition to a boost in capacity due to a larger pipe diameter the aim was also to complete assembly on site as quickly as possible, one of the reasons being that the construction project would involve road blocks.

Since the client had already had positive experiences with products supplied by SIMONA AG, an entire piping system was planned in accordance with the requirements, consisting of SIMONA pipes, custom bends and shafts. Apart from providing advice on the selection of products and materials, SIMONA AG developed for the client a complete pipelaying plan and gave supportive advice for selecting the most economical pipelaying method. With the smart joining method SIMOFUSE® it was possible to combine state-of-the-art welding with compact design.

Consequently, there was no need for any time-consuming welding preparations, such as the peeling of pipe ends. Nor was there any need for recesses in the pipe support because the socket connection does not bring any additional load to bear. Owing to the reduction in welding preparations and warming time, with SIMOFUSE® the processing time was shortened significantly and the pipeline totalling 750 m in length was installed quickly and cost-effectively. The joining method thus provides increased efficiency when laying piping systems and ensures both absolute watertightness and protection against root intrusion. Enlarging the cross section to 500 mm also allows reliable discharge of sewage to the treatment plant. .


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