Schongau_Vorbereitung der Rohrstränge (1)

Pfeil-rot-rechts Deutsche Fassung

SIMONA as a partner

  • Close collaboration on project detailing with the end customer/processing contractor

  • Technical support as early as the planning phase

  • Development of a planning proposal by SIMONA

  • Welding instruction and supervision on site


SIMONA® PE 100 RC-Line pipes ensure drinking water supply

A municipality in southern Germany is struggling to cope with groundwater shortage on account of climatic changes. At the same time, however, more water is being required owing to the development of services for new residential areas. In order to guarantee the supply of clean drinking water for the municipality, new drinking water wells had been constructed in recent years.

As part of a drinking water project that was the largest in Germany at the time, these groundwater wells were connected up to the existing water supply network with SIMONA® drinking-water pressure pipes PE 100 RC DA 400 SDR 11 PAS 1075 Type 1 by a civil engineering contractor, over a length of 9 kilometres. PAS 1075 describes the main requirements for PE pipes that are installed by alternative laying methods and whose useful life will be at least 100 years. The material PE 100 RC ensures high flexibility, light weight and excellent resistance to stress cracks. The pipes were laid by means of the trenchless torpedo ploughing method. Ploughing is one of the fastest and most economical technologies for laying new plastic pipes. The method causes virtually no interference with the ground so it is very environmentally friendly. A laying plough and the pipe are drawn into the ground with the aid of a cable winch. When the pipeline has been laid in the ground, the trench closes behind the plough. The structure of the terrain is only impacted slightly and can be restored with minimal effort.

SIMONA® PE 100 RC-Line drinking-water pipes have SVGW and DVGW approvals, among others. They are easy to maintain and allow trouble-free sustainment of network operation. They also offer ecological benefits in that the strain-resistant, absolutely watertight welded joints avoid water losses.



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Schongau_Vorbereitung der Rohrstränge (2)

Schongau_Vorbereitung der Rohrstränge (3)

Schongau_Torpedo-Pflugverfahren (1)

Schongau_Torpedo-Pflugverfahren (2)

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